Welcome to THe Shed

Welcome to THe Shed
Your behind-the-scenes look at our dynamic space showcasing experimental exhibitions awaits you.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

What is THe Shed?

THe Shed came out of a convergence of two ideas: the want to find new ways of using our temporary exhibitions space and exploring how Tullie House can develop in the future.   Working with my (now erstwhile) colleague Marian, we put together a plan for a space that would provide the opportunity to test out new ideas and new ways of working.  THe Shed was born.

It wasn’t always called THe Shed.  If you were in the museum earlier in the summer you might have seen the display asking for your votes and suggestions for a new name (thank you so much if you took part).   We decided on THe Shed as we felt it summed up so much of what we wanted the project to be about.  We had this idea that sheds are utilitarian but purposeful.   Somewhere you can try out your latest ideas or germinate seeds, store some of your bits and pieces and maybe somewhere to go to get a bit of peace and have a think.  Oh, and the capitalised TH is for Tullie House.  How does this translate into an exhibitions space?  You’ll be able to find out in a few weeks!

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